Kingo Root Apk 2.5 Download Free For Android 4.4.2

Kingo Root is available for both personal computers and in APK format for Android devices. Download now for free to get best-rooting experience. Kingo Root exe works for all kind of Android devices and given valuable result up till now. That's why it is the priority of users to select it among various rooting apps. Kingo Root Windows version gives you good performance and nearby supports all kinds of devices.
Kingo Root APK
All this you can achieve with a single click. Kingo Root Apk  Download Free For Android There are many tools available in the market has been launched from last few years. This will be the ultimate and super APK file for rooting your mobile. Android is more customizable operating system and you can get more options by rooting it. For example, install new ROMs, boost your phone. Increase battery life etc. Here are some reasons why this is best for you.

Kingo Root APK Features

  • It is the free app and any kind of update in the application will always be free of cost for lifetime.
  • This is super easy to use. Just need one click to start the process of rooting and it is fast too.
  • A high-quality app which supports the wide variety of devices, almost every device falls in its range. Users can root any device.
  • Users get updates constantly and frequently.
  • You don't need to worry about any difficult and troubling process. Apply these steps to use this app for rooting your device.

If Kingo Root APK Fail

  • Download King Root, the link is given below.
  • Install the APK file of downloaded Kingo Root and launch it.
  • Just press "one click root" to initialize the process.
  • It will take few minutes to complete the process.
  • If it is done then you can verify to know the root status.
  • On the other hand, if it gets failed then try it on Windows with PC version of Kingo Root. 
On Windows PC you will achieve the better result. Here the probability of success is high because it embeds more powerful features than the smaller version of APK file. The additional thing is that you have to connect your device to your computer.
Follow this instruction if you want to root your device with the computer.
How To Use:

Download Kingo Super Root for Windows and install it on your PC.
Connect your device and use the USB cable for connection.
It should be noted that you have enabled the "USB Debugging" in your phone's developer option.
Now click the root option to start it.
Please Wait for a while for completing the process.

App Information

File Name: Kingo Root
Size: 2.31 MB
Version:  2.5
OS: All Android
Price: Free

Download Link:

KingoRoot APK Download >> 2.31

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