LINE Tools APK 1.3.0 Latest Free Download for Android

LINE Tools is the collection of simple frequently used apps. LINE Tools APK contains the wide variety of applications which gets a lot more space when we install separately on our device. Once you install this then you will no longer need to install some apps like the flashlight, calculator, volume manager and much more. Now the developers consider user need & requirement that's why they made a great Android Application. This is great kind of app. If you will Download one this app then you don't need to Download apps from anywhere. The reason is simply this tool contain all kind of apps which are you searching. If you don't understand then you will read LINE Tools definition. Now it is prepared to Download you can get it free without pay any cost.

Features of LINE Tools APK:

  • Flashlight: The Simple torch is the basic need. Usually, these kinds of apps do not come pre-installed  Android phones and we need third-party apps to overcome this situation. Now you do not need any further torch app if you have this App installed on your phone.
  • QR code Reader: Do you need a scanner app. If your work is related to business or selling items then this is the great app for your work. It will not need additional apps now.
  • Clock: Clock is also available in this tool. You can view time, set alarms and you will find the calendar app along with the clock, you will be able to view date and time in one place.
  • Calculator: Although this app usually comes with all the devices but in some cases if you missed then try LINE Tools. The calculator app and some Tools are included here, can be used for your business purpose and easy calculations etc. The tools are the compass, ruler etc.
  • Magnifying Glass: If you feel difficulty in reading text from your high-resolution screen then this tool helps to magnify the words for easy reading. You can also magnify images with this tool.
The idea of operating many things with single app comes true with this App. Which makes it easier to provide many features encapsulated in one app. We have expressed some of the features in this article. If you want to know all the Tools available in this app, you can explore it. You will find it very useful in terms of simplicity and performance. You will find these apps in the collection.
  1. Measurement tools: these tools include ( ruler, protector, compass, audio level monitor and horizontal gauge).
  2. Time: time app contains (clock, stopwatch, and Japanese calendar).
  3. Convenient Things: These are the tools like the torch, magnification glass, mirror, and code reader).
  4. Calculator: the calculator comes with some converters.

App Information

File Name: LINE Tools
Size: 19.25
Version: 1.3.0
OS: Android 4.4.2 & UP
Price: Free Use
Download Link: Download>> 19.25 MB

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